REAH-C9 Product Overview

On the 29th September 2020 the team was proud to officially launch the #REAHC9 interpreter wearable technology.

REAH-C9 is designed to instantly connect the Sign Language interpreter to seamlessly facilitate the communication between the Deaf and hearing persons, thus reducing cost and observing COVID-19 social distance regulations.


1. What does REAH-C9 stand for?
 REAH means 'hear' spelled backwards. C9, the world has entered into a period of the new normal which has brought about a number of new challenges that need to be overcome. During Covid-19 this application came to life as means to help the Deaf community, hence we adopted ‘c’ from communication and ‘9’ from 19.

2. Who can use REAH-C9?
  REAH-C9 can be used by a Sign Language (SL) Interpreter, Deaf and hearing persons.

3. How does this REAH-C9 solve or bridge the communication gap?
 REAH-C9 has intergrated devices and apps. SL Interpreters use the REAH Interpreter app to remotely facilitate communciation between a hearing person who wears the REAH-C9 wearable glasses and non-hearing person who is signing.

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